Alpha and Gamma Spectrometers

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The spectrometric system for sources of alpha and gamma radiation measurements is modular system supplied by Canberra. The system consists of two parts with a common power supply. The alpha system is composed of an alpha spectrometer (model 7401VR), a rotary vacuum pump and an alpha PIPS detector. The gamma system is composed of a HPGe detector (model GX50185S), a cryostat 7500SL, a cylindrical Pb-chamber with thickness 100 mm, a detector LN2 (model 1786A), a spectroscopy amplifier (model 2026) and a power supply (model 3106D). 

Measurements of gamma spectrometry – environmental materials, samples of radioactive waste (liquid, solid, gaseous, drains), samples of technological processes and research projects within the framework of internal and external orders, workplace monitoring.

Measurements of alpha spectrometry – thin alpha emitters, including preparation of the radiation sources, environmental materials and samples of radioactive waste, workplace monitoring.

The spectrometric system with HPGe and PIPS detectors:

The power supply NIM BIN 2100

The gamma system:

  • HPGe detector GX50185S/7500SL ULB,
  • Power supply 3106D,
  • Spectroscopy Amplifier 2026,
  • Multiport II ADC MP2-3E,
  • Cylindrical Pb-chamber - 100 mm.

The alpha system:

  • Alpha PIPS detector PA45018,
  • Alfa spectrometer 7401VR,
  • Rotary vacuum pump 7400-04.

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