BNCT Facility

BNCT facility (Boron neutron capture therapy) was built for research work in the field of BNCT on the site of a former thermal column of LVR-15 reactor . The facility consists of epithermal neutron beam, the concrete irradiation room, and the control room. In the present the epithermal neutron beam is used as a source of neutrons. Beam usage is primarily focused on the research and development of detection methods of neutron and photon radiation in mixed fields. The beam can be used for irradiation of material samples to study their behavior in the radiological conditions of the epithermal beam.

Maximum values of fluence rates for main components are:

Thermal: 1,2.108 cm-2s-1

Epithermal: 6,98.108 cm-2s-1

Fast: 6,94.107 cm-2s-1.

Special design of core is needed for achievement of those parameters. Approximately, the values are ten times lower with standard core design.

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