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Creep machine:
Electomechanical creep testing machine with 50 kN load, equipped with high-temperature furnace (up to 800 °C), system for measuring the deformation of samples and recording measured data. Two extensometers (video and laser) are available for precise deformation determination. The creep facility includes clamping adapters for a number o test specimens, accessories and can be used for testing up to 800 °C using software for controlling basic tests and evaluation.
The equipment allows to perform the following types of tests:
a) tensile and bending creep tests to fracture according to ASTM E139, E292, crack growth in creep according to E1457 - 13
b) tensile and bending creep tests with a cyclic loading
c) release stress test at constant deformation
Electromechanical creep machine
Is a device for testing of mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
Main parameters: Loading up to 50 kN; Maximum temperature: 800 °C (air)
Test type: Elevated temperatures creep test, Creep-fatigue test.
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