HK7 – Universal Servohydraulic Tensile Testing Machine and Biaxial Tensile Testing Machine

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Universal hydraulic tensile testing machine - tensile and compression:        

Servo-hydraulic testing machine for fatigue tests of round or qudrangular cross-sections samples, loaded under stress (tension-compression) with the possibility of testing in the temperature range from -80 °C to at least 800 °C.

a) fatigue tests of low cycle fatigue, with controlled force (soft loading) or with controlled deformation (hard loading).

b) Measuring the speed of crack propagation depending on the amplitude of the stress intensity factor for CT specimens.    

Universal hydraulic tensile testing machine - tensile and compression, torsion:      

Servo-hydraulic test machine for fatigue tasting of round or qudrangular cross-sections samples, loaded in combined stress (tensile-compression, torsion), with the possibility of testing in the temperature range from -150 to at least - 800 °C (air).

Universal tensile testing machine

Is a device for testing of mechanical properties.

Main parameters: Tension and compression up to 250 kN; combined axial-torsional loading; testing temperatures: -150 - 350 °C (liquid nitrogen-air), RT – 800 °C (air), RT - 1200 °C (argon/vacuum); maximum sample size: 1” CT

Test types: Tensile test, fracture toughness test, low cycle fatigue, combined loading test.

Producer: Igitur (Instron)

Universal servohydraulic tensile testing machine for combined loading

Main parameters: tension and compression up to 25 kN with combined axial-torsional loading with maximum load of 100 Nm; testing temperatures: -150 - 800 °C (air);

Test types: tensile test, fracture toughness test, low cycle fatigue testing (tension/compression) at RT, low cycle fatigue testing (uniaxial and combined loading), torsion, combined loading

Producer: Igitur (Instron)

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