HPGe Spektrometry

Contact person: evzen.novak@cvrez.cz

The laboratory is located at the bottom of the reactor hall LR-0.

Benchmark assemblies of pure material, Fe spheres diameter 20, 30, 50 and 100 cm, Ni sphere diameter 50 cm, H2O sphere diameter 30 cm, D2O (+Cd) sphere diameter 30 cm (dosimetry neutron standard of moderated spectrum) , PE, Fe and D2O slabs, cylindrical assemblies, paraffine barrel for producing thermal neutron field.

-Neutron and gamma spectra measurement using different neutron sources

(Cf-252 and AmBe)

-Spectrometry equipment for neutron and gamma, access to the LR-0 reactor core N-spectrometer En = 0.1–20 MeV, G-spectrometer Eg = 0.4–15 MeV

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