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Cf-252 - isotopic neutron source positioned in a transport case (made of a material Dural 424,201) for pneumatic valves mail.
Emissions measured at NPL (National Physical Laboratory) in the United Kingdom Mn bath methodology (incl. transport case).
Neutron Generator Laboratory - Cf-252 (LCF)
The LNG is located in the LR-0 research reactor facility annex. LNG organizationally includes two laboratories: LNG (with a neutron generator) and LCF (with an isotopic neutron source Cf-252).
The LCF is in a space (m102) measuring 8x8x7m which is massively screened. The thickness of the reinforced concrete walls reaches up to 150 cm, the thickness of the sandwich floor (reinforced concrete, iron, polyethylene, reinforced concrete) up to 0.8 m. Part of the LCF operation are two rooms outside the KP for the placement of experimental apparatus. The LCF is equipped with a CISRK dosimetric control system, ensuring its safe operation.
Technical description
The LCF has a Cf-252 isotopic neutron source housed in a dural transport case for pneumatic pipe mail. The emission of the source was measured at NPL (National Physical Laboratory) Velká Briania in Mn spa (incl. cases). At the present time (08/2023) the emission of the source (transformation half-time is 2.62 years) is about 1.108 neutrons/s.
Focus of the LCF laboratory
Laboratory Cf-252 (LCF) is mainly focused on the validation of nuclear data libraries in the field of fission research using so-called integral experiments. The Cf-252 neutron source is considered the international standard neutron source. For the validation of nuclear data, benchmark sets are used (similar to LSNM - Laboratory of Spectrometry and Neutron Measurements), neutron and gamma escape spectra are measured using stilbene spectrometers or hydrogen-filled proportional detectors in the energy range from 0.2 MeV to 20 MeV.
The Cf-252 neutron source is also used for research into shielding from various materials, qualification of dosimeters, light conductors, semiconductors, etc. and other materials or devices
Technical details
Transport dimensions. cases: 14x30 mm
Dimensions of the source (sheath): 9.5x19 mm. Doublel coated in stainĺess steel case.
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