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Optical microscope with micromanipulators is used for forensic and environmental analysis:
The system is based on the LV100ND optical microscope with reflected and transmitted light, full X-Y-Z axis automation and two Eppendorf TransferMan 4r micromanipulators for sampling and grain sample transferring.
The microscope is equipped with lenses with long working distance and magnification between 40x – 1000x allowing work with micromanipulators and sampling system tools. The microscope includes a color scanning camera, PC with a separate graphic card and NIC Elements software for communicating, processing, analyzing, evaluating and assembling of image profiles.
Optical Microscope Nikon LV100ND:
• upright tripod
• reflected and transmitted light
• sample display methods - light field, dark field, polarization, DIC
• aperture and field apertures for transmitted and reflected light
Light source:
• Marzhauser LED100, equivalent power 100W, halogen bulbs, continuous intensity adjustment
• yellow halogen filter for each LED illuminance
• color filters - day, gray ND4 / ND16, green
• external light source Photonic F1, equivalent power 100W, two 1000mm long light guides, adjustable arms
Eyepiece tubes:
• trinocular eyepiece tube, polarizing, special optics, 30 ° viewing angle, 50-75mm inter-center distance, 3-position light divider between eyepieces/camera
• wide angle eyepiece tubes with dioptric correction
• one eyepiece tube with an intentional cross
• CFI TU Plan FLUOR EPI 5x, NA 0.15, WD 23.5 mm
• CFI Plan EPI SLWD 10x, NA 0.20, WD 37.0 mm
• CFI Plan EPI SLWD 20x, NA 0.30, WD 30.0 mm
• CFI Plan EPI SLWD 50x, NA 0.40, WD 22.0 mm
• CFI Plan EPI SLWD 100x, NA 0.60, WD 10.0 mm
• 5-lens motorized revolver
• Scanning XYZ stage Marzhauser SCANplus, motorized, feed range 100 x 100 mm in XY axis and 40 mm in Z axis, accuracy 1um, control via PC and joystick
• NIS-Elements BR, Lucia Forensic - full-resolution live viewing, full-featured camera control and XYZ directional motorized microscope parts
• options of scanning, saving and editing images, assembling of images in XYZ directions, analysis and processing
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