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Nanoindenter for the measurement of local mechanical propertties (Hardness, Young's modulus, indentation creep, etc.) and thin layer adhesion test with high temperature measurement possibility (up to 800 C).
Nanoindenter Hysitron Ti 950
Nanoindentation module 70 nN - 10 mN with Berkovich and Vickers indenter tips (diamond) + high temperature Berkovich indenter tip (diamond, sapphire)
Microindentation module 10 mN - 2 N with Berkovich and Vickers indenter tips (diamond) + high temperature Berkovich indenter tip (diamond)
xSol heating stage with maximum temperature of 800 C, Ar atmosphere and active water cooling
Nanoscratch module (scratch test)
SPM visualisation with indent accuracy +- 10 nm
Optical microscope with 10x, 20x and 50x magnification for basic visualisation and sample orientation
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