Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS)

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Instrument: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS)

Model: IMS 7f

Manufacturer: CAMECA (France)

The IMS 7f is a universal SIMS designed for precision elemental and isotopic analyses of solid surfaces. It has been optimized for challenging applications such as glass, metals, ceramics, Si-based, III-V and II-VI devices, bulk materials, thin films fulfilling industry and academia requirements for R&D and process control.


Key analytical features of the IMS 7f for solving a wide range of analytical problems:

  • Analysis of all elements (incl. H, He) and isotopes of periodic table
  • Efficient charge compensation using an electron beam for analysis of insulators
  • Excellent detection limits (for many elements at sub-ppb level)
  • A unique optical design allowing for both direct ion microscopy (resolution ~ 1 um) and scanning microprobe imaging (resolution < 500 nm)
  • Shallow (tens of nm) and deep (tens of um) concentration depth profiles (depth resolution < 1.9 nm/decade)
  • High mass resolution (M/DM > 20000 at 10% of peak height)
  • High precision isotopic ratios ( < 0.1 % from bulk, < 1% from micrometer-size particles)

Requirements for sample preparation:

  • Vacuum compatibility (cleanliness, non-volatility)
  • Flat surface for accurate quantification
  • Maximal sample diameter 25 mm
  • Maximal sample thickness < 12 mm

Quantitative analysis:

  • Accurate quantitative analysis cannot be done without calibration standards, i.e. samples with the same matrix composition as the samples to be analyzed 

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